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DCC Minutes 03-22-08
Dukes County Commissions
Saturday March 22, 2008 3p.m.
County Administration Building

Call to Order
Les Leland called the meeting to order at 1pm.  Commissioners John Alley, Carlene Gatting, Tristan Israel, Lenny Jason, Paul Strauss, and Roger Wey were present.  Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro-Flanders and Executive Assistant Jennifer Randolph were also in attendance.

Also present at the meeting was Julia Rappaport (Vineyard Gazette), Steve Myrick (MV Times), Paddy Moore, Tad Crawford, Christina McMullen, and MVTV.

Acting County Manager’s Report – Noreen Mavro-Flanders
Noreen Mavro-Flanders announced that she has letters prepared for the Commissioners to sign in opposition to the Bill H 4498 (Sheriff’s Bill).

Old Business
NACo Grant Application
Carlene Gatting presented the grant application for Eelgrass Restoration for Sengekontacket Project.  The grant is through NACo and NOAA for Coastal Counties Restoration.  She thanked Jennifer Randolph for all her work to get this done.

Tristan Israel / Roger Wey Moved to submit the Eelgrass Restoration Grant to NACo, So Moved, unanimous, (7-0-0).

New Business
County Manager Applicant Interviews

It was agreed that the salary would be discussed after a candidate was chosen.

F. Tenney Lantz
Tenney Lantz gave a brief introduction of herself to the Commissioners.  The Commissioners asked Tenney a series of questions. (See Attached)

Russell Smith
Russell gave a brief overview of his past experiences.  The Commissioners asked Russell a series of questions.  (See Attached)

The Commissioners agreed to meet on Friday, April 4, 2008 at 9am to chose a candidate and discuss a salary.

·       The Dukes County Contributory Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday April 1st at 10am at the Retirement Office
·       The Dukes County Airport Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 5:30p.m. at the Airport Administration Building
·       The Dukes County Commissioners will meet on Wednesday March 26th, at 5pm at the County Administration Building

With no further business, the meeting was Adjourned at 4:45pm.